Home SecurityCrime Two suspects killed as family resist kidnap attempt in Taraba

Two suspects killed as family resist kidnap attempt in Taraba

by TarabaInfo
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Two suspected kidnappers met their demise in the early hours of Saturday following a family’s resolute resistance to their intrusion in Jalingo, Taraba State.

According to Usman Abdullahi, the Police spokesperson in the state, officers responded to the family’s distress call and fatally shot two of the kidnappers.

However, sources from Angwan Baraya, the locality where the incident unfolded, reported that the head of the family, Ardo Yahaya, used a knife to fend off one of the kidnappers while resisting their assault.

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A resident of the area, Mustapha Ja’afaru, recounted that the kidnappers broke into Mr. Yahaya’s home around 1 a.m. Upon hearing their approach, Mr. Yahaya confronted the intruders with a knife, resulting in the demise of one assailant.

Ja’afaru further stated that although Mr. Yahaya managed to alert security agents, the kidnappers had already abducted two children from the residence and wounded Mr. Yahaya before fleeing.

Subsequently, security agents pursued the kidnappers and successfully rescued the abducted children. One of the kidnappers was found dead in the bush, having sustained injuries while attempting to escape into the nearby mountainous terrain.

The incident underscores the escalating violent crime prevalent in Taraba State, mirroring similar trends observed in other northern Nigerian states.

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