Home SecurityCrime Three Killed During Land Settlement Meeting in Taraba

Three Killed During Land Settlement Meeting in Taraba

by TarabaInfo
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Three people have been confirmed dead and several others are missing following an alleged attack by armed members of African Nature Investors (ANI) on Fulani and Mambila people in Gashaka Gumti National Park, Taraba State. The attack occurred during a Wednesday meeting aimed at resolving a land dispute.

Hon. Umar Yusuf, Chairman of Gashaka local government area, confirmed the incident on Thursday. He led a team to retrieve the bodies from the forest for burial. The Fulani and Mambila people had gathered to find a solution to the land conflict when the attackers struck, resulting in three deaths and causing others to flee.

ANI is known for partnering with communities and governments to protect wilderness areas. However, Hon. Yusuf vowed to investigate the killings and urged the community to remain calm while his administration looks into accusations against the Park guards.

Community members have linked the killings to illegal mining activities by foreigners in Gashaka National Gumti Park. They claim that these illegal miners have employed armed men to intimidate and drive people away from the forest to protect their operations. Mallam Jude Abdul Abubakar, a local elder who lost a relative in the attack, alleged that helicopters regularly transport mined minerals from the forest, and that ANI and other forest guards are aiding the illegal activities.

Abubakar called on the government to investigate the killings and stop the illegal mining activities. He questioned why, despite Governor Agbu Kefas’s ban on illegal mining, people continue to be killed over these activities. Attempts to reach ANI for comment have been unsuccessful as their Jalingo office was found locked.

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