Home Editorial Commemoration of Danbaba Danfulani Suntai: By TarabaInfo

Commemoration of Danbaba Danfulani Suntai: By TarabaInfo

by TarabaInfo
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On June 28th, we remember the late Danbaba Danfulani Suntai, an illustrious figure whose legacy as the Governor of Taraba State from 2007 to 2015 remains imprinted in the hearts of many. Born on June 30, 1961, in Suntai, Bali Local Government Area, Taraba State, Suntai was a man of humble beginnings, but his ambitions and dedication to public service propelled him to significant heights.

Early Life and Education

Danbaba Suntai’s early life was marked by a commitment to education and service. He attended the Federal Government College, Kano, followed by the School of Basic Studies at Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, where he completed his secondary education. He then pursued a degree in Pharmacy at ABU, graduating in 1984. His professional career began with an internship at Yola Specialist Hospital and the State Hospital, Ijaiye, Abeokuta, during his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) year.

Entry into Politics

Danbaba Suntai’s political journey started in the late 1980s when he served as the Chairman of Bali Local Government Area from 1989 to 1993. He was a dedicated civil servant and held the position of Director-General of the Taraba State Ministry of Agriculture and National Resources from 1994 to 1996. Suntai’s passion for development and governance saw him holding various significant roles, including Chairman of Taraba State Investment and Properties Ltd., Commissioner of the Ministry of Education, and Commissioner of the Ministry of Health.

Governorship and Achievements

In 2007, Suntai’s political career reached its pinnacle when he was elected Governor of Taraba State under the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). His tenure was marked by efforts to combat corruption, improve infrastructure, and enhance public welfare. Suntai’s administration was noted for delegating authority to local governments, which empowered them and facilitated more effective governance at the grassroots level.

One of his significant achievements was the reform of local government administration, which resulted in more transparent processes and regular pension payments to retirees. His commitment to infrastructural development was evident in projects like the commissioning of a computerized stone-crushing and asphalt plant in 2009, aimed at providing road-building materials.

Suntai also strongly supported religious and moral education, believing it was crucial for reducing juvenile delinquency and promoting peace and unity within the state. His administration fostered harmony between different religious groups, underpinning his vision for a united Taraba State.

The Tragic Accident and Its Aftermath

On October 25, 2012, Suntai’s life took a tragic turn when he was involved in a plane crash while piloting a Cessna 208 near Yola Airport. The accident left him severely incapacitated, and although he remained in office until his term ended in 2015, he faced significant health challenges. His resilience during this period demonstrated his unwavering spirit and commitment to serving his people despite personal adversities.

Legacy and Passing

Danbaba Suntai passed away on June 28, 2017, in Houston, Texas, just two days before his 56th birthday. His death marked the end of a remarkable journey of service and dedication to the people of Taraba State. Suntai’s legacy is one of resilience, visionary leadership, and a deep-seated commitment to the development and unity of his state.

As we commemorate the life of Danbaba Danfulani Suntai, we remember him not just as a politician and a governor, but as a leader who genuinely cared for his people and worked tirelessly to improve their lives. His contributions to Taraba State set a benchmark for future leaders, and his memory continues to inspire those who aspire to make a positive impact in their communities.

Reflections from Family and Colleagues

Suntai’s passing was a profound loss to his family, friends, and the people of Taraba State. His wife, Hauwa Suntai, and his children, Zainab and Mariam, remember him as a loving husband and father whose dedication to his family was matched only by his commitment to public service.

Colleagues and political associates recall Suntai as a man of integrity and vision. His tenure as governor was marked by a collaborative approach to governance, where he sought to build consensus and ensure that diverse voices were heard. This inclusive style of leadership endeared him to many and fostered a sense of unity and purpose among his team.

Impact on Taraba State

Danbaba Suntai’s influence on Taraba State was profound and multifaceted. His administration’s focus on improving infrastructure, healthcare, and education laid the groundwork for subsequent developments in these sectors. The reforms he initiated in local government administration continue to benefit the people of Taraba, ensuring more efficient and transparent governance.

His emphasis on moral and religious education has left a lasting impact on the social fabric of the state, promoting values of peace, unity, and respect among its diverse population. The projects and policies he championed during his tenure have had a lasting impact, contributing to the state’s ongoing development and progress.

Danbaba Danfulani Suntai’s life was a testament to the power of dedication, resilience, and visionary leadership. As we honor his memory, we celebrate the legacy of a man who devoted his life to the service of his people and the betterment of his state. His contributions to Taraba State and his exemplary leadership continue to inspire and guide future generations.

In remembering Danbaba Suntai, we acknowledge not just his achievements, but also his enduring spirit and the values he stood for. His life story is a beacon of hope and a reminder that true leadership lies in serving others with integrity, compassion, and unwavering commitment.

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